2024 Recipients Check Presentation to Fostering Community for $15,500

Most Recently Awarded Non-Profits

2025 Recipients

February: The FOOD Pantry Serving Waukesha County - https://www.waukeshafoodpantry.org


February: Redeem & Restore - https://redeemandrestore.org/ - $13,837

May: BeReAVEd Together - https://www.bereavedtogether.org/ - $15,219

September: Fostering Community - https://www.fostering-community.com - $15,500

November: Housing Action Coalition of Waukesha County - https://www.waukeshacoc.org/ - $15,570


February - Family Promise of Waukesha County - https://www.familypromisewaukeshawi.org/ - $9,443

May - Friends with Food - https://friendswithfoodwi.org/ - $10,890

September - Journey 21 - https://www.journey21.org/ - $11,700

November - Gals on the Go - https://www.galsonthegoproject.com/ - $12,691.20


February - Wildlife in need - https://www.helpingwildlife.org/ - $6,410

February - Good Friend Inc. - https://www.goodfriendinc.org/ - $3,000 (Match Only)

April - Waukesha Free clinic - https://waukeshafreeclinic.org/ - $9,240

September - Family Service of Waukesha - https://www.fswaukesha.org/ - $9,671

October - Katy’s Kloset - https://teamupwithfamilies.org/katys-kloset/ - $10,419.50


February - Blessings in a Backpack - https://www.blessingsinabackpack.org/ - 9,157.50

May - Silver Streak - https://oconosilverstreak.org/ - $8,310

September - ERAS Senior Network - https://eras.org/ $9,200

November - Variety A Children’s Charity - https://www.varietywi.org/ - $9,210

Waukesha Parade Foundation Extra Donation - https://waukeshafoundation.org/waukesha-christmas-parade-permanent-memorial-fund/ - $1,950


February - Kick Start Cooking - https://www.firstuccwaukesha.org/how-we-serve - $7,502.50

September - NAMI Waukesha - https://namisoutheastwi.org/ - $6,916.50

October - ACAP - http://www.acap-waukesha.org - $7,800


February - Zachariah’s Acres - https://www.zachariahsacres.org/ - $5,730

May - Wishope - https://wishope.org/waukesha-location/ - $4,375

September - Best Buddies WI - https://www.bestbuddies.org/wisconsin/ - $6,180

November - Crusader Day/Catholic Memorial - https://www.catholicmemorial.net/event/crusader-day-of-service/ - $5,815


March - Family Promise Waukesha County - https://www.familypromisewaukeshawi.org/ - $4,100

September - Mukonago Food Pantry - https://www.mukwonagofoodpantry.org/ - $4,300

November - Special Spaces - https://specialspaces.org/our-chapters/wisconsin/ - $4,400


March - Healing Hearts of Waukesha - https://www.healingheartswisconsin.org/ - $3,100

June - Lifestriders - https://www.lifestriders.org/ - $3,400

October - St. Joseph’s Medical Clinic: Waukesha - https://waukeshafreeclinic.org/st-josephs-medical-clinic/ - $3,800

December - ACAP - http://www.acap-waukesha.org - $4,000


February - Waukesha Food Pantry - www.waukeshafoodpantry.org - $2,200

April - The Hope Center - https://hopecenterwi.org/programs/ - $2,400

September - Eagle’s Wing Free Health Clinic - https://www.eagleswingfreeclinic.org/ - $2,700

December - Blessings in a Backpack - https://www.blessingsinabackpack.org/ - $2,600


April - Life’s Connection Mukwonago - https://lifesconnection.org/ - $1,700

June - Stillwater’s Cancer Support - (Closed) - $1,900

October - Mukwonago Food Pantry - https://www.mukwonagofoodpantry.org/ - $2,100

December - Waukesha Community Arts Project (WCAP) - (Closed) - $2,400