Nominate a Nonprofit

Any member current in their membership can nominate a local non-profit. Who will you nominate this quarter?


The nomination criteria are simple:

  • It must be a nonprofit recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization in operation at least 1 year.

  • It must be located in the Waukesha County area with the majority of funds being allocated to providing services in Waukesha County and the closely surrounding area.

  • The nonprofit must be willing to send a representative to the next meeting to share how the money was or will be spent, and it must agree not to create, sell, or distribute a list with our members' contact information, and agree not to solicit our members directly for further contributions.


Members should email us three weeks prior to the giving circle to recommend a non-profit.

Our vetting team will confirm that the organization meets our criteria.

One week prior to the giving circle, 3 of the vetted nominations will be chosen at random to present at the next meeting. One nomination will be considered a backup, in case of a last minute cancellation.

If your nominated nonprofit is chosen, you will give a 5 minute pitch at the giving circle to explain why the members should vote for nomination. Check our presentation guidelines page for tips on preparing your pitch.


Be sure to confirm that the organization meets the criteria above. Then send us an email and provide the following information regarding your nomination:

  • Your name

  • Organization name & address

  • Organization website, if any. Otherwise, the organization’s mission/purpose and who they serve

  • Organization contact name, email and phone, if available

  • Any details on how our donation would be used, if available